
A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

We all would have heard about the famous proverb ‘A Stitch in Time Saves Nine’. This is a very sensible saying that we need to follow in our day to day life. This proverb notifies the significance of Time Keeping, Smart Work, Hard Work and Sincerity in our Life. One cannot think about achieving anything without these qualities. If we miss to be well organised in a task, the task will not be completed as expected.

When we do not focus on a task and just try to complete it without an objective, we end being a failure. The main essence of success lies in planning what we do before starting the task. If we do not plan our day/any task we will end up performing actions that would require repetition of the same task again and again. This reminds us of another famous saying ‘Haste Makes Waste’. We also should remember that “Time and Tide Waits for No Man”. So if we keep delaying our tasks with imperfections, we will miss to obtain the targeted results on time.

Accompanied with smart work lets us to complete the task as planned in shorter time. Being Punctual helps us to complete our tasks on time. If we try to inculcate these habits in our day to day life, we can be successful without any hindrances in between and gain attraction in any big crowd.

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    Wonder Zhou


    Wonder Zhou 6年前 (2018-10-13) 来自天朝的朋友 谷歌浏览器 Windows 10 回复



